GNU Queue load-balancing system
Welcome to the FAQ-O-MATIC for GNU Queue, the easy-to-use UNIX process network load-balancing system.

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What is GNU Queue?
Where can I get GNU Queue?
What platforms are supported?
What improvements are planned?
How do I compile and/or install Queue?
How do I set up Queue for cluster-wide use?
What are the command-line options to "queue"?
How do I configure a job queue's "profile" file?
How I do run Queue with MPI and PVM?
What are the Security Issues associated with Queue?
How do I submit Feedback, Patches, or Get Help?
How can I improve GNU Queue and/or this FAQ?
What is the GPL license?

Why does queue give me an error about fcntl and locks?
Is time-synchronization an issue?
How do I stop Queue from sending job output in batch mode?

How does Queue compare with the commercial LSF product?

How do I do checkpoint migration with GNU Queue?

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This is Faq-O-Matic 2.606.