queue [-h hostname|-H hostname] [-i|-q] [-d spooldir]
[-o|-p|-n] [-w|-r] -- command.options
qsh [-l ignored] [-d spooldir] [-o|-p|-n]
[-w|-r] hostname command command.options
- -h hostname
- --host hostname
force queue to run on hostname.
- -H hostname
- --robust-host hostname
Run job on hostname if it is up.
- -i|-q
- --immediate|--queue
Shorthand for the (
now spooldir) and queue (queue spooldir).
- [-d spooldir]
- [--spooldir spooldir]
-q option, specifies the name of the batch processing directory, e.g., matlab
- -o|-p|-n
- --half-pty|--full-pty|--no-pty
Toggle between half-pty emulation, full-pty emulation (default), and the more efficient no-pty emulation.
- -w|-r
- --wait|--batch
Toggle between wait (stub daemon; default) and return (mail batch) mode.
- -v
- --version
- --help
List of options
The defaults for qsh are a slightly different: no-pty emulation is the default, and a hostname argument is
required. A plus (+ ) is the wildcard hostname; specifying + in place of a valid hostname is the
same as not using an -h or -H option with queue . qsh is envisioned
as a rsh compatibility mode for use with software that expects a rsh -like syntax.
This is useful with some MPI implementations; see See section Running GNU Queue with MPI and PVM..
Start the Queue system on every system in
your cluster (as you defined in queue.h) by running queued or
queued -D & from the directory in which queued is
The later invocation places queued in debug
mode, with copious error messages and mailings, which is probably a
good idea if you are having problems. Sending queued a kill -HUP will
force it to re-read the profile files and ACL lists, which is good when you wish to
shut down a queue or add hosts to the cluster. queued will also periodically
check for modifications to these files.
If all has gone well at this stage, you may now try submitting a
sample job to the system. I recommend trying something like queue -i
-w -p -- emacs -nw . You should be able to background and foreground the
remote EMACS process from the local shell just as if it were running
as a local copy.
Another example command is queue -i -w -- hostname which should
return the best host (i.e., least loaded, as controlled by options in
the profile file; See See section Configure a Job Queue's profile File) to run a job on.
The options on queue need to be explained:
-i specifies immediate execution mode, placing the job in the now
spool. This is the default. Alternatively, you may specify either the -q option,
which is shorthand for the wait spool, or use the -d
spooldir option to place the job under the control of the profile file
in the spooldir subdirectory of the spool directory, which must previously
have been created by the Queue administrator.
In any case, execution of the job will wait until it satisfies the conditions
of the profile file for that particular spool directory, which may
include waiting for a slot to become free. This method of batch processing
is completely compatible with the stub mechanism, although it may
disorient users to use it in this way as they may be unknowingly
forced to wait until a slot on a remote machine becomes available.
-w activates the stub mechanism, which is the default.
The queue stub process will
terminate when the remote process terminates; you may send signals and
suspend/resume the remote process by doing the same to the stub
process. Standard input/output will be that of the 'queue' stub
process. -r deactivates the stub process; standard input/output will
be via email back to the users; the queue process will return
-p or -n specifies whether or not a virtual tty should be
allocated at the remote end, or whether the system should merely use
the more efficient socket mechanism. Many interactive processes, such
as EMACS or Matlab , require a virtual tty to be present, so the -p
option is required for these. Other processes, such as a simple
hostname do not require a tty and so may be run without the
default -p . Note that queue is intelligent and will override
the -p option if it detects both stdio /stdout have been re-directed
to a non-terminal; this feature is useful in facilitating system
administration scripts that allow users to execute jobs. [At some
point we may wish to change the default to -p as the system
automatically detects when -n will suffice.] Simple, non-interactive
jobs such as hostname do not need the less efficient pty/tty
mechanism and so should be run with the -n option. The -n option
is the default when queue is invoked in rsh compatibility mode
with qsh .
The -- with queue specifies `end of queue options' and everything beyond this
point is interpreted as the command, or arguments to be given to the
command. Consequently, user options (i.e., when invoking queue through
a script front end, may be placed here):
exec queue -i -w -p -- sas $*
exec queue -q -w -p -d sas -- sas $*
for example. This places queue in immediate mode following
instructions in the now spool subdirectory (first example) or in
batch-processing mode into the sas spool subdirectory, provided it
has been created by the administrator. In both cases, stubs are being
used, which will not terminate until the sas process terminates on the
remote end.
In both cases, pty /ttys will be allocated, unless the user redirects
both the standard input and standard output of the simple invoking
scripts. Invoking queue through these scripts has the additional
advantage that the process name will be that of the script, clarifying
what is the process is. For example, the script might called sas or
sas.remote , causing queue to appear this way in the user's process
queue can be used for batch processing by using the -q -r -n
options, e.g.,
exec queue -q -r -n -d sas -- sas $*
would run SAS in batch mode. -q and -d sas options force Queue to
follow instructions in the sas/profile file under Queue's spool
directory and wait for the next available job slot. -r activates
batch-processing mode, causing Queue to exit immediately and return
results (including stdout and stderr output) via email.
The final option, -n , is the option to disable allocation of a pty on the
remote end; it is unnecessary in this case (as batch mode disables
ptys anyway) but is here to demonstrate how it might be used in a
-i -w -n or -q -w -n invocation.
werner.krebs@yale.edu |