GNU Queue load-balancing system:
What is GNU Queue?
GNU Queue is a UNIX process network load-balancing system that features an innovative proxy daemon mechanism which allows users to control their remote jobs in a nearly seamless and transparent fashion. When an interactive remote job is launched, such as say Matlab, or EMACS interfacing Allegro Lisp, a proxy daemon runs on the local end. By sending signals to the remote side - including control signals like hitting the suspend key - the process on the remote end may be controlled just as easily as if it were a local process. Resuming the stub resumes the remote job. The user's environment is almost completely replicated, including not only environmental variables, but nice values, rlimits, terminal settings are all replicated on the remote end. Together with MIT_MAGIC_COOKIE_1 (or xhost +) the system is X-windows transparent as well, provided the users local DISPLAY variable is set to the fully qualified pathname of the local machine.

One of the most appealing features of the stub system even with experienced users is that asynchronous job control of remote jobs by the shell is possible and intuitive. One simply runs the proxy job in the background under the local shell; the shell notifies the user when the remote job has a change in status by monitoring the proxy daemon.

Want to migrate that CPU guzzling interactive job to another machine? Run queue -- jobname, and it behaves as if it were local. Want to suspend that job? Control-Z, and you're back to the local shell; the job is suspended on the remote machine as well. Type bg or fg and the job is seemingly running on the local machine again; except it's not! It's running on a remote CPU. This feature is especially practical when you wish to run many cpu-intensive jobs simultaneously throughout the cluster --- you can control them all effortlessly through the local shell.

When the remote process has terminated, the proxy returns the exit value to the shell; otherwise, the proxy job simulates a death by the same signal as that which terminated or suspended the remote job. In this way, control of the remote process is intuitive even to novice users, as it is just like controlling a local job from the shell. Many of my original users had to be reminded that their jobs were, in fact, running remotely.

In addition, Queue also features a more traditional distributed batch processing environment, with results returned to the user via email. In addition, traditional batch processing limitations may be placed on jobs running in either environment (proxy process or with the email mechanism) such as suspension of jobs if the system exceeds a certain load average, limits on CPU time, disk free requirements, limits on the times in which jobs may run, etc. (These are documented in the sample profile file included.)

Queue may be installed by any user on the system; root privileges are not required.

Next: Where can I get GNU Queue?
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