GNU Queue load-balancing system:How does Queue compare with the commercial LSF product?:
Does Queue report job resource usage information like LSF?
[when a job completes, it's emailed 'result' includes information about how large it got and how long it took/where it ran etc..]

In batch mode this is provided (it sends CPU time, maybe not where it ran, although that should be apparent from the sender.)

This uses the "-r" flag (the bug for which was recently fixed in patchlevel 2).

This also sends job output, but this can be turned off with "setenv QMAIL FALSE".

Previous: Does Queue have shared resources - there can be no more than 'NN' jobs running in the system of this type at any given time (across all queues) like LSF?
Next: Does Queue have the ability to have more than one OS in a single cluster?
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