Access statistics for

Summary period: 1997


MonthHitsFilesSitesKBytes sent
December 97 17416 13942 904 216333
November 97 14023 11562 1145 177283
October 97 13346 11071 723 187675
September 97 8172 6323 347 168050
August 97 7783 5316 333 59499
July 97 6538 4538 329 29335
June 97 10599 6644 280 143125
May 97 4447 2495 198 12678
April 97 1017 674 92 2631
March 97 1536 880 82 10929
February 97 233 119 13 436
January 97 0 0 0 0
Total 85110 63564 4446 1007974

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