Parameter Sets for Geometry Programs

Current Parameters [ProtOr]

These are our current set of parameter and volume files for radii and volumes. They have been carefully optimized for packing calculations. We suggest you use these. They are derived from the following publication:

J Tsai, R Taylor, C Chothia & M Gerstein (1999). "The Packing Density in Proteins: Standard Radii and Volumes," J. Mol. Biol. 290: 253-266.


ProtOr.atom-defs.dat Atom definition file with radii (description).
ProtOr.resi-defs.dat Residue definition file (description).
ProtOr.pdblist.dat List of 87 structures selected from SCOP (see above paper).


ProtOr.stdvol173.dat Final set of 173 volumes from atoms of 21 amino acids.
ProtOr.atom-vols.dat Detailed volumes for the 18 basic atom types.
ProtOr.residue-vols.dat Volumes for each residue.

The volume files were calculated using Voronoi polyhedra with the run parameters:

Provisional Set of Parameters for both Proteins and Nucleic Acids [NucProt]

These are a provisional set of parameter and volume files for both proteins and nucleic acids. They were created by Neil Voss in the Fall 2000. They are currently under active development.


NucProt.atom-defs.dat Atom definition file with radii (description).
NucProt.resi-defs.dat Residue definition file (description). Please note that this set has more than 21 residues. This necessitates the using of a different routine to read this file (initial_residues_nt).
NucProt.pdblist.dat List of 6 RNA structures (NDB codes).


NucProt.stdvol258.dat Provisional set of 258 volumes from atoms of 21 amino acids and 4 nucleotides. Please note that this set has more than 173 volumes. This necessitates the using of a different routine to read this file (read_standard_volumes_nt).
NucProt.atom-vols.dat Detailed volumes for ~21 basic atom types (provisional).

The volume files were calculated using Voronoi polyhedra with the run parameters:

Additional Volumes & Parameters


 The following conventions are used to give the parameters used and their resulting volumes if available. Note, the first portion of the name refers to atom radii typing scheme used (ie ProtOr) while the remainder outside of the identifiers below denote parameter values
 *.atom-defs.* Atom definition file, with radii
 *.resi-defs.* Residue definition file
 *.pdblist.* List of structures
 *.vol173.* List of raw 173 output residue atom volumes
 *.atom-vols.* N atom volumes (& detail)
 *.residue-vols.* Residue volumes
 *.vol173predicted.* List of predicted 173 residue atom volumes, expaned from the *.atom-vols* file.

Additional Volume Sets using the same parameters as above with different atom selection methods (same ProtOr atom & residue definition files, same structure list). [extra99]

These are additional volumes using various atom selection methods. More details on the various atom selection codes -- e.g. B+, BD, &c.
Atom Selection173 volume file atom volumesresidue volumes
B+ extra99.vol173.B+.dat extra99.atom-vols.B+.dat extra99.residue-vols.B+.dat
B- extra99.vol173.B-.dat extra99.atom-vols.B-.dat extra99.residue-vols.B-.dat
BL+ extra99.vol173.BL+.dat extra99.atom-vols.BL+.dat extra99.residue-vols.BL+.dat
BL- extra99.vol173.BL-.dat extra99.atom-vols.BL-.dat extra99.residue-vols.BL-.dat
BLW extra99.vol173.BLW.dat extra99.atom-vols.BLW.dat extra99.residue-vols.BLW.dat
BD extra99.vol173.BD.dat extra99.atom-vols.BD.dat extra99.residue-vols.BD.dat

Structure Lists :: These are additional pdb structure sets (they are explained in the above paper) and their resulting volumes (if available). All are arranged by atom selection method. In addition to the lists, we have the pdb files for each list tar'ed and gzip'ed here or you can get them by touching the "*" under the D heading
Dlists Atom Selection173 volume file atom volumesresidue volumes
* extra99.pdblist.std.dat NONE extra99.vol173.std.NONE.dat extra99.atom-vols.std.NONE.dat extra99.residue-vols.std.NONE.dat
- B+ extra99.vol173.std.B+.dat extra99.atom-vols.std.B+.dat extra99.residue-vols.std.B+.dat
- B- extra99.vol173.std.B-.dat extra99.atom-vols.std.B-.dat extra99.residue-vols.std.B-.dat
- BL+ extra99.vol173.std.BL+.dat extra99.atom-vols.std.BL+.dat extra99.residue-vols.std.BL+.dat
- BL- extra99.vol173.std.BL-.dat extra99.atom-vols.std.BL-.dat extra99.residue-vols.std.BL-.dat
- BLW extra99.vol173.std.BLW.dat extra99.atom-vols.std.BLW.dat extra99.residue-vols.std.BLW.dat
- BD extra99.vol173.std.BD.dat extra99.atom-vols.std.BD.dat extra99.residue-vols.std.BD.dat
* extra99.pdblist.std-highres.dat BLW extra99.vol173.std-highres.BLW.dat extra99.atom-vols.std-highres.BLW.dat extra99.residue-vols.std-highres.BLW.dat
* extra99.pdblist.std-lowres.dat BLW extra99.vol173.std-lowres.BLW.dat extra99.atom-vols.std-lowres.BLW.dat extra99.residue-vols.std-lowres.BLW.dat
* extra99.pdblist.current.dat BLW extra99.vol173.current.BLW.dat extra99.atom-vols.current.BLW.dat extra99.residue-vols.current.BLW.dat
* extra99.pdblist.obsolete.dat BLW extra99.vol173.obsolete.BLW.dat extra99.atom-vols.obsolete.BLW.dat extra99.residue-vols.obsolete.BLW.dat
* extra99.pdblist.nmr-full.dat BLW extra99.vol173.nmr-full.BLW.dat extra99.atom-vols.nmr-full.BLW.dat extra99.residue-vols.nmr-full.BLW.dat
* extra99.pdblist.test-5.dat

Older Parameter Sets & Calculated Volumes

1998 Highly Simplified Set[simple98]

Atom definition file with radii (description).
simple98.resi-defs.dat Residue definition file (description).

1995 Parameter Set [mbg95]

M Gerstein, J Tsai & M Levitt (1995). "The volume of atoms on the protein surface: Calculated from simulation, using Voronoi polyhedra," Journal of Molecular Biology 249: 955-966.

Atom definition file with radii (description).
mbg95.resi-defs.dat Residue definition file (description).
List of structures used.
Final set of 173 volumes from atoms of 21 amino acids.

1975 Parameter Set [chc75]

Chothia, C. (1975). Structural invariants in protein folding. Nature 254, 304-308.

Atom definition file with radii (description).
Residue definition file (description).
Final set of 173 volumes from atoms of 21 amino acids.
Detailed volumes for the 18 basic atom types.
Volumes for each residue.

Used the extra99.pdblist.std.dat and BL- atom selection.

1974 Parameter Set [fmr74]

Richards, F. M. (1974). The Interpretation of Protein Structures: Total Volume, Group Volume Distributions and Packing Density. J. Mol. Biol. 82, 1-14.

Atom definition file with radii (description).
fmr74.resi-defs.dat Residue definition file (description).
Final set of 173 volumes from atoms of 21 amino acids.
Detailed volumes for the 18 basic atom types.
Volumes for each residue.

Used the extra99.pdblist.std.dat and BL- atom selection.

File of Crystallographic Symmetry Operations


Further Technical Notes
