GNU Queue load-balancing system:How do I submit Feedback, Patches, or Get Help?:
How I can I Publish or Submit Bug Reports and Patches?

Users are encouraged to submit bug reports and roll patches for Queue, as these are the processes by which the Net gradually improves Queue.

Please send bug reports and patches to

or post them to the queue-tips development list. (Security bugs or patches, if there ever are any, should only be sent to the bug-queue list, NOT published on the public development list.)

Bug reports and patches for RPMS on Red Hat Contrib Net (or mirrors also be reported through the bugzilla system.

Detailed instructors for rolling patches for Queue and/or publishing them on the development list may be found off of the development page. The archives of the development list, where user-submitted patches are published, may be accessed off this page as well.

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Next: Where can I find Patches?
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