#include "ModifiedVolume.h" static file_records * global_file ; CalcVHookFcnType CalcVHookFcn = NULL; void PrintVolumeParameters(void) { STDERR("PrintVolumeParameters():"); fprintf(stderr,"CalcVHookFcn= %5d the_method= %1d \nvolume_max_distance= %7.4f distance_check= %7.4f\n", (int) CalcVHookFcn,the_method,volume_max_distance,distance_check); fprintf(stderr,"vertices_count= %4d plot_file= %d\n", vertices_count,(int) plot_file); } /* [ 4 ] called from [ 2 ] Calculate the volume of an atom. First mark all neibours that are still used. Then for each neighbour that is still used (nd), collect all the relevant vertices into atom_vertWINDOWID=46137348 ices, and also set their flag. Take one of the vertices, first_vertex. Find one of its neighbours; call it second_vertex (they will share another neighbour except nd, xnd). Then repeaet: find the next neighbour of second_vertex; call it third_vertex (it shares with second_vertex a neighbour, next_nd, which is the third neighbour in second_vertex which is not xnd or nd). Calculate the volume of the tetrahedron (first_vertex,second_vertex, third_vertex, origin_atom) and collect it. Set second_vertex to third_vertex. We do it this way because Richards does, so it is easier to compare the code. A more efficient way is to calculate only the area, and multiply by the distance of the plane to to the origin atom (and divide by 3). Modified version that calls SaveAtomVertices() : */ void N_calculate_volume (atom_record *atom,neibour_descr *neibours,int neibour_count) { int ii,jj,n_vertices_count,ll ; int n_solvent = 0 ; double volume = 0.0 ; SaveAtomVertices(1,atom, NULL, NULL) ; for (ii=0 ; ii < neibour_count ; ii++) { neibour_descr * nd = &neibours[ii] ; if (nd->flag) { vertex * n_vertices[MAX_VERTEX] ; if (!nd->protein) n_solvent++; n_vertices_count= 0; for (jj = 0 ; jj < vertices_count; jj++) { vertex *ve = &vertices[jj]; if (ve->a1 == nd || ve->a2 == nd || ve->a3 == nd ) { ve->flag = 0 ; n_vertices[n_vertices_count++] =ve ; } } if (DEBUG_VOLUME & debugging) fprintf(stderr, "Neighbour %d \n",ii); if (n_vertices_count < 3) { serious_error(2, "Less than 3 vertices for a neighbour ", n_vertices_count); # ifdef OFF STDERR("Less than 3 vertices skipping neighbor..."); # endif } else { vertex *first_vertex = n_vertices[0] ; vertex *second_vertex, *third_vertex, *previous_second = first_vertex; neibour_descr *xnd = first_vertex->a1; if (xnd == nd) xnd = first_vertex->a2 ; for(jj =1 ; jj< n_vertices_count ; jj++) if (n_vertices[jj]->a1 == xnd || n_vertices[jj]->a2 == xnd || n_vertices[jj]->a3 == xnd ) { second_vertex = n_vertices[jj] ; break ; } first_vertex->flag = 1; second_vertex->flag = 1 ; SaveAtomVertices(2,NULL,first_vertex, second_vertex) ; for (ll = 2 ; ll < n_vertices_count ; ll++) { neibour_descr *next_nd = second_vertex->a1 ; if (next_nd == nd) if (second_vertex->a2 == xnd ) next_nd = second_vertex->a3 ; else next_nd = second_vertex->a2 ; else if (next_nd == xnd) if (second_vertex->a2 == nd ) next_nd = second_vertex->a3 ; else next_nd = second_vertex->a2 ; for (jj = 1 ; jj < n_vertices_count ; jj++) { third_vertex = n_vertices[jj] ; if (!third_vertex->flag && (third_vertex->a1 == next_nd || third_vertex->a2 == next_nd || third_vertex->a3 == next_nd)) break ; } if (jj == n_vertices_count) { warning(ARG_TYPE_ATOM,"Did not find third_vertex", atom) ; return; } { double t_volume = tet_volume(atom,first_vertex, second_vertex, third_vertex); volume += t_volume ; SaveAtomVertices(3,NULL,second_vertex, third_vertex) ; if (debugging & DEBUG_VOLUME) fprintf(stderr," %d %d %d %9.5Lf\n", first_vertex -vertices, second_vertex -vertices , third_vertex - vertices , t_volume) ; } xnd = next_nd; third_vertex->flag = 1; second_vertex = third_vertex ; } SaveAtomVertices(4,NULL,first_vertex,third_vertex); } } } atom->volume = volume ; atom->dumm_solvents = n_solvent ; SaveAtomVertices(5,atom,NULL,NULL); } /* [ 3 ] Called from [ 2 ] . Calculate all the vertices for the polyhedron around the atom. This is a modified version of calculate vertices that stores the maximum distance to an atom in the atom->surface field */ int N_calculate_vertices (atom_record *atom, neibour_descr *n_atoms,int n_count) { int ii; double ax = atom->x; double ay = atom->y; double az = atom->z; double max_distance = 0.0 ; vertices_count = 0 ; generate_initial_dummy_vertices(atom, n_atoms,n_count) ; for (ii = 0 ; ii < n_count ; ii++) { process_neibour(atom,&n_atoms[ii] ) ; if (vertices_count == -1) return -1 ; } for (ii = 0 ; ii < vertices_count ; ii++) { vertex *ve = &vertices[ii] ; double deltax = ve->x - ax ; double deltay = ve->y - ay ; double deltaz = ve->z - az ; double dsq = deltaz * deltaz + deltay * deltay + deltax * deltax ; if (dsq > max_distance) max_distance = dsq ; if (DEBUG_VOLUME & debugging) fprintf(stderr, "%2d %2d %2d %2d %9.5Lf %9.5Lf %9.5Lf\n", ii, ve->a1 - n_atoms, ve->a2 - n_atoms, ve->a3 - n_atoms, ve->x,ve->y,ve->z) ; ve->a1->flag = 1; ve->a2->flag = 1; ve->a3->flag = 1; } if (max_distance > volume_max_distance) { soft_warning(ARG_TYPE_ATOM, "Furthest vertex too far ", atom); return -1 ; } atom->surface = sqrt(max_distance) ; return vertices_count; } /* [ 2 ] Called from [ 1 ] Calculate the volume of one particular atom. This is a modified version that calls my routines. */ void N_calculate_atom_volume(atom_record *atom, atom_record **neibours, int neibour_count) { neibour_descr n_atoms[MAX_NBR_DESCRIPTOR] ; vertex vertices[MAX_VERTEX] ; int vertex_count ; neibour_count = fill_atoms_for_volume(atom , neibours, neibour_count,n_atoms) ; vertex_count = N_calculate_vertices(atom,n_atoms, neibour_count); if (vertex_count < 0) { atom->volume = -1.0; atom->dumm_solvents = -1 ; return ; } N_calculate_volume(atom,n_atoms,neibour_count) ; } /* [ 1 ] called 1st . Sets up the neighbor calculation and calculates the volume of a whole file . */ void N_Calculate_Volumes (file_records *file, int TheMethod, double VolMaxDist, double DistCheck) { # ifdef OFF volume_max_dist = 200 ; /* This setting will very liberally calculate */ # endif if (distance_check < 0.0) distance_check = 8.0 ; /* This variable is defined in neibour-cube.c */ the_method = TheMethod ; volume_max_distance = VolMaxDist; distance_check = DistCheck ; setup_file_records (file , 0.0,1) ; /* Used to set up the cube. */ setup_minmax_xyzr(file,1) ; /* Used to set up the cube. */ setup_neibouring_cube(file, distance_check) ; PrintVolumeParameters(); traverse_file_atom_records (file, call_with_neibours, N_calculate_atom_volume); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void compact_print_file(file_records * f ) { int ii; for (ii=0; iiatomnum; ii++) { atom_record * a = f->atoms[ii] ; atom_definition * ad = a->definition ; fprintf (stderr,"[%4.4d %s%3.3d:%4.4s ", a->number,a->resname,a->resnum,a->name) ; fprintf (stderr,"%2.2d %4s %4.1f]", ad->type_index,atom_type_name(ad->type_index),a->x); if (ii % 3 == 0) fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } } /* [ 2b ] Called from [ 1b ] Calculate the volume of one particular atom. This is a modified version that calls my routines. Plus it calls LoopOverNeighbors(). */ void NN_calculate_atom_volume(atom_record *atom, atom_record **neibours, int neibour_count) { neibour_descr n_atoms[MAX_NBR_DESCRIPTOR] ; vertex vertices[2000] ; int vertex_count ; if (debugging & DEBUG_VOLUME) { STDERR("NN_calculate_atom_volume():"); fprintf(stderr,"Central atom is %s%3.3d:%4.4s\n", atom->resname,atom->resnum,atom->name,neibour_count) ; } assert(neibour_count < MAX_NBR_DESCRIPTOR); neibour_count = fill_atoms_for_volume(atom , neibours, neibour_count,n_atoms) ; if (debugging & DEBUG_VOLUME) { STDERR("About to call N_calculate_vertices()"); compact_print_file(global_file); fprintf(stderr,"with atom= [%4.4d]%s%3.3d:%4.4s\n", atom->number,atom->resname,atom->resnum,atom->name) ; ITOE(neibour_count); } vertex_count = N_calculate_vertices(atom,n_atoms, neibour_count); if (vertex_count < 0) { atom->volume = -1.0; atom->dumm_solvents = -1 ; return ; } if (CalcVHookFcn) { (*CalcVHookFcn)(atom,n_atoms,neibour_count) ; } else { N_calculate_volume(atom,n_atoms,neibour_count) ; LoopOverNeighbors(atom,n_atoms,neibour_count); } } /* [ 1b ] called 1st : Sets up the neighbor calculation and calculates the volume of a whole file . Calls LoopOverNeighbors() & SaveAtomVertices() . */ void NN_Calculate_Volumes (file_records *file, int TheMethod, double VolMaxDist, double DistCheck) { # ifdef OFF volume_max_dist = 200 ; /* This setting will very liberally calculate */ # endif if (distance_check < 0.0) distance_check = 8.0 ; /* This variable is defined in neibour-cube.c */ the_method = TheMethod ; volume_max_distance = VolMaxDist; distance_check = DistCheck ; setup_file_records (file , 0.0,1) ; /* Used to set up the cube. */ setup_minmax_xyzr(file,1) ; /* Used to set up the cube. */ setup_neibouring_cube(file, distance_check) ; PrintVolumeParameters(); global_file = file ; traverse_file_atom_records (file, call_with_neibours, NN_calculate_atom_volume); }