#include "dist.h" /* ======================= */ int CompCoor2To1DeselectMax /* ======================= */ (file_records * First, file_records * Second, int flag, bool SieveVerbosely) { int ii, i1=0, i0=0; Statistic s = {0} , *S = &s ; char buf1 [BUFSIZ], buf2 [BUFSIZ]; atom_record * WorstAtom ; EquivSecondToFirst(First,Second,flag); InitStats(S); S->name = "Distance" ; for (ii = 0;iiatomnum; ii++) { atom_record * a2 = Second->atoms[ii]; if (!(a2->flags & flag)) { atom_record * a1 = a2->chaining ; # ifdef OFF /* The following must be true. The distances are set in EquivSecondToFirst. */ double d = AtomDistance(a1,a2); if (d != a2->surface) STDERR("(d != a2->surface)"); # endif if (a2->surface > S->max) { WorstAtom = a2 ; } IncrementStats(S,a2->surface); } } if (SieveVerbosely) { printf("CompCoor2To1DeselectMax():\n"); printf(" 1st | Dist D/RMS | 2nd\n"); for (ii = 0;iiatomnum; ii++) { atom_record * a2 = Second->atoms[ii]; if (!(a2->flags & flag)) { atom_record * a1 = a2->chaining ; double d = a2->surface ; sprintfAtomShortForm(buf2,a2); sprintfAtomShortForm(buf1,a1); printf("%s | %6.2lf %1c %6.2lf | %s\n", buf1,d, (a2 == WorstAtom ? '*' : ' '), d/S->rms,buf2); } } printf("Number-of-Atoms: %9.0f RMS: %9.4f\n",S->num,S->rms); printf("Max-Deviation: %9.4f Min-Deviation: %9.4f\n",S->max,S->min); printf("Avg-Deviation: %9.4f Num*RMS: %9.4f\n",S->mean,S->num*S->rms); } SWITCH_ON(WorstAtom,FLAG_1_DESELECT|FLAG_2_DESELECT); SWITCH_ON(WorstAtom->chaining,FLAG_1_DESELECT|FLAG_2_DESELECT); return (int) S->num; } double SieveFit (file_records *Moving, file_records *Fixed, double threshold, int MaxIters, bool SieveVerbosely) { double rms, rms2; int i,NumAtoms; double ** RotMat = dmatrix(1,3,1,3) ; double * TVect = dvector(1,3); fprintf(stderr,"SieveFit(): threshold= %f MaxIters= %d\n",threshold,MaxIters); for (i=0, rms=INFINITY;i threshold; i++) { rms = MyFit(RotMat,TVect,Moving,Fixed) ; RotateCoordinates(Moving,RotMat); TranslateCoordinates(Moving,TVect); NumAtoms = CompCoor2To1DeselectMax(Fixed,Moving,FLAG_2_DESELECT, SieveVerbosely); fprintf(stderr," : Iteration= %4d RMS= %10.6f NumAtoms= %4d\n",i,rms,NumAtoms); } } main(int argc,char ** argv) { SAY_HI_FIRST; do_initialization(0,0) ; { char *MovingFileName = StringAfterOption(argc,argv,"Moving", "Moving.pdb"), *FixedFileName = StringAfterOption(argc,argv,"Fixed", "Fixed.pdb"); file_records *Moving = open_and_read_pdb(MovingFileName,0), *Fixed = open_and_read_pdb(FixedFileName,0); double ** RotMat = dmatrix(1,3,1,3) ; double TVect[4]; double rms ; FlagOffEverywhere(Fixed,FLAG_1_DESELECT|FLAG_2_DESELECT); FlagOffEverywhere(Moving,FLAG_1_DESELECT|FLAG_2_DESELECT); SieveFit(Moving,Fixed, DoubleAfterOption(argc,argv,"Threshold",0.5), (int)DoubleAfterOption(argc,argv,"MaxIters",200), OPT("SieveVerbose")); if (OPT("ShowSelection")) { printf("SieveFit(): The final set of selected atoms is.... (* atom is included)\n"); CompCoor2To1DeselectMax(Fixed,Moving,FLAG_2_DESELECT, true); } else if (!OPT("ShowSelection") || OPT("WriteMoved")) { write_pdb_file(stdout,Moving,0); } } }