#include "pdb.h" /* incorporates modifications by Vossman on 11.17.2000 to accomodate nucleic acids */ residue_description ** residue_types = NULL ; int residue_type_number ; int max_resuidue_type ; /* not realy maximum, because the program will increment it as needed */ /* find atom description inside a residue description. This canonicalize the name,so it can be a C string, i.e. null terminated. */ atom_definition * find_atom_definition_1(residue_description *residue, char *name) { int atomnum = residue->atomnum ; atom_definition *ads = &residue->atom_definitions[0]; int index = 0 ; char first, second, third, fourth; first = name[0]; second = name[1]; third = name[2]; fourth = name[3]; if (first != '\0') {if (second == '\0') { second = ' ' ; third = ' '; fourth = '\0';} else if (third == '\0') { third = ' ' ; fourth = '\0' ; } else fourth='\0'; } for(index= 0 ; index < atomnum ; index++) { atom_definition *ad = &ads[index] ; char *compare = ad->name; if (first == compare[0] && second == compare[1] && third == compare[2]) if(ad->flag) return &ads[ad->flag] ; else return ad ; } return NULL ; } int handle_missing_atom_definition = 2 ; residue_description *dumm_residue = NULL ; atom_definition *default_atom = NULL; atom_definition *default_C_atom = NULL; atom_definition *default_O_atom = NULL; atom_definition *default_N_atom = NULL; atom_definition *assign_dummy_atom_definition(char * name) { switch(name[0]) { case 'N' : return default_N_atom ; break ; case 'C' : return default_C_atom ; break ; case 'O' : return default_O_atom ; break ; } return default_atom ; } atom_definition * find_atom_definition(residue_description *residue, char *name) { atom_definition *ad ; if (residue != NULL) { ad = find_atom_definition_1(residue,name) ; if (ad != NULL) return ad ; } if (dumm_residue != NULL) ad = find_atom_definition_1 (dumm_residue, name) ; if (ad ==NULL) switch (handle_missing_atom_definition) { case 0 :break ; case 1 : if (residue == NULL ||residue->index >= 20) ad = assign_dummy_atom_definition(name) ;break ; case 2 : ad = assign_dummy_atom_definition (name) ; break ; } if(ad == NULL) serious_error(1, "Failed to find atom deinition",name); return ad ; } /* Find the type of the residue. Return NULL if it is unknown. */ residue_description *find_residue_type (char *string) { int ii ; char first, second, third; if(string[1] == '\0') { first = ' '; second = ' '; third = string[0]; } else if(string[2] == '\0') { first = ' '; second = string[0]; third = string[1]; } else { first = string[0]; second = string[1]; third = string[2]; } for (ii= 0 ; ii< residue_type_number; ii++) { char *name = residue_types[ii]->name ; if( first == name[0] && second == name[1] && third == name[2] ) { residue_description *res = residue_types[ii]; return residue_types[res->index ] ; /* this is allowing redirection */ } } return NULL; /* ??????? */ } residue_description * alloc_residue (char *name, int atomnum, int dumm) { if (residue_types == NULL) { residue_types = (residue_description **)malloc_and_zero (5 * sizeof(char*)); max_resuidue_type = 5 ; residue_type_number = 0 ; } { int index ; residue_description *entry = find_residue_type(name) ; if (NULL == entry) { if (atomnum == 0 && !dumm) serious_error(1,"Trying to modify non-existing residue", name); if (residue_type_number >= max_resuidue_type) { int len = max_resuidue_type * sizeof(char *) ; residue_description **new = (residue_description **)malloc_and_zero (len + len) ; bcopy (residue_types, new, len); free(residue_types) ; residue_types = new ; max_resuidue_type += max_resuidue_type; } index = residue_type_number ; residue_type_number++ ; } else { index = entry->index ; if (atomnum != 0 && atomnum != entry->atomnum) { free(entry) ; entry = NULL ; } } if (entry == NULL) { int entry_len = sizeof(residue_description) + (atomnum -1) * sizeof(atom_definition) ; entry = (residue_description *) malloc_and_zero(entry_len); residue_types[ index ] = entry ; strncpy(entry->name, name,3) ; entry->atomnum = atomnum ; entry->index = index ; } return entry ; } } /* read a residue description. The number of atoms, name and index is already set. */ void read_residue_atoms (FILE *ff, residue_description * entry) { int ii ,type; char line[200] ; char string [200] ; char type_string [200] ; double vdw, covalent , charge; while (fgets(line,200,ff) != NULL) { ii = sscanf(line,LF_STRING_06, string, &type_string, &vdw,&covalent,&charge) ; if (ii <= 0 ) break ; if(string[1] == '\0' || string[1] == ' ') { string[1] = ' ' ; string[2] = ' ' ;string[3] = '\0';} else if(string[2] == '\0' || string[1] == ' ') { string[2] = ' ' ; string[3] = '\0';} else if(string[3] == '\0') ; else if(string[4] == '\0') ; else serious_error(1, "Wrong Atom name (too long)", string) ; /* NO SHIFTING if(string[1] != '\0' && string[2] != '\0' && string[3] != '\0' && string[4] != '\0') serious_error(1, "Wrong Atom name (too long)", string) ;*/ { atom_definition *ad = find_atom_definition_1(entry, string) ; if (ad == NULL) { char search[4] = {'\0','\0','\0','\0'} ; ad = find_atom_definition_1(entry,search) ; if (ad == NULL) serious_error(1,"Too many atoms in residue definition", entry->name); strncpy(ad->name, string, 4) ; } if (ii > 1) if (type_string[0] == '=') { /*DO NOT need new shifted string*/ { atom_definition * real_atom = find_atom_definition(entry,type_string+1); if (real_atom == NULL) serious_error(1, "Failed to find real atom for dummy atom", string) ; ad->vdw = real_atom->vdw; ad->covalent = real_atom->covalent; ad->covalent = real_atom->covalent; ad->flag = PROTEIN_ATOM_DEFINITION_INDEX(real_atom,entry) ; } } else { int type = find_type_definition (type_string) ; ad->type_index = type ; ad->flag = 0 ; if (ii > 2 && vdw != 0.0) ad->vdw = vdw ; else if (type != 0) ad->vdw = atom_vdw[type] ; if (ii > 3 && covalent != 0.0) ad->covalent = covalent ; else if (type != 0) ad->covalent = atom_covalent[type] ; if (ii > 4 && charge != 0.0) ad->charge = charge ; else if (type != 0) ad->charge = atom_charge[type] ; } }} } /* read description of residues */ void read_residue_definitions (FILE *ff) { int ii,atomnum,kk; char line[200] ; char string [200] ; while (fgets(line,200,ff) != NULL) { ii = sscanf(line,"%s%d", string, &atomnum) ; if(ii > 0 && string[0] != '!' && string[0] != ';') { int real_index = -1 ; /* A fix for simalarity to pdb files*/ if(string[1] == '\0') { string[1] = ' ' ; string[2] = string[0] ; string[0] = ' ' ; } else if(string[2] == '\0') { string[2] = string[1] ; string[1] = string[0] ; string[0] = ' ' ; } else if(string[3] != '\0') serious_error(1, "Wrong residue name (too long)", string) ; string[3] = '\0'; if (ii == 1) { char *poi = line ; while(isspace(*poi)) poi ++; while(!isspace(*poi)) poi ++; while(isspace(*poi)) poi ++; /*Alias does not work for nucleic acids!!!*/ if (*poi == '=') { residue_description *alias = find_residue_type(poi+1) ; if (alias == NULL) serious_error(ARG_TYPE_STRING, "Failed to find alias residue", line) ; real_index = alias->index ; atomnum = 0 ; } else atomnum = - 1 ; } if ( 0 > atomnum || atomnum > 200) serious_error(1, "Wrong atom number in residue type", string) ; { residue_description *entry = alloc_residue(string, atomnum , real_index >= 0 ? 1 : 0) ; if (real_index >= 0) entry->index = real_index ; read_residue_atoms (ff,entry) ; } } } } /* traverse all the atom definitions in a residue */ void traverse_residue_definition (residue_description *res, void (*function)(), void *arg) { int atomnum = res->atomnum ; atom_definition * ads = res->atom_definitions ; int ii ; for (ii = 0 ; ii < atomnum ; ii++) { if(ads->name[0] != '\0' ) (*function)(ads, arg) ; ads++ ; } } void traverse_all_residue_definitions (void (*function)(), void *arg, void *arg1) { int ii ; for(ii = 0 ; ii< residue_type_number ; ii++) (*function)(residue_types[ ii ] , arg,arg1) ; } void traverse_atom_definitions (void (*function)(), void *arg) { traverse_all_residue_definitions( traverse_residue_definition, function,arg) ; /* traverse_additional_atom_definitions */ } void read_standard_volumes(char *filename) { FILE *ff = fopen(filename,"r") ; char string[200] ; int ii ; residue_description *res ; int ssbond = 0 ; for(ii = 0 ; ii < 21 ; ii++) { while(1) { fgets(string,200, ff) ; if (isupper(string[0]) && isupper(string[1]) && isupper(string[2])) break; } res = find_residue_type(string) ; while(1) { int count; char name[10]; double volume ; fgets(string, 200, ff) ; #ifdef __linux__ if (sscanf(string,"%s %d %lf", name, &count,&volume) < 3) break ; #else if (sscanf(string,"%s %d %Lf", name, &count,&volume) < 3) break ; #endif { atom_definition *atom = find_atom_definition(res, name) ; if (ssbond) atom->eradsq = volume; else atom->eradius = volume ; } } if(!strcmp (res->name, "CYS") && !ssbond) ssbond = 1; else ssbond = 0 ; } } /* New routine to handle the reading of both protein and nucleic acid standard volumes */ void read_standard_volumes_nt(char *filename) { FILE *ff = fopen(filename,"r") ; char string[200] ; int ii ; residue_description *res ; int ssbond = 0 ; for(ii = 0 ; ii < 25 ; ii++) /* 25 = 21 aa + 4 na */ { do { fgets(string,200, ff) ; } while( !isupper(string[0]) ); res = find_residue_type(string) ; while(1) { int count; char name[10]; double volume ; fgets(string, 200, ff) ; #ifdef __linux__ if (sscanf(string,"%s %d %lf", name, &count,&volume) < 3) break ; #else if (sscanf(string,"%s %d %Lf", name, &count,&volume) < 3) break ; #endif { atom_definition *atom = find_atom_definition(res, name) ; if (ssbond) atom->eradsq = volume; else atom->eradius = volume ; } } if(!strcmp (res->name, "CYS") && !ssbond) ssbond = 1; else ssbond = 0 ; } } /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ /* =================== */ void ShowAllResidueTypes /* =================== */ /* (int residue_type_number, residue_description ** residue_types ) */ (void) { int ii ; for (ii= 0 ; ii< residue_type_number; ii++) { residue_description * r = residue_types[ii] ; printf("@ %8x %3d : %3s = %4d (%4d atoms)\n", residue_types[ii],ii,r->name,r->index,r->atomnum); } }