
These folds are in the "worm-only" proteins from Chervitz et al. but are not yeast or any other analyzed microbial genomes. 
obj_id_ Rep. disulfide 
Struc. Name
_1.007 2spc a: Spectrin repeat unit
_1.030 1mdy a: Helix-loop-helix DNA-binding domain
_1.034 2gst a:85-217 Glutathione S-transferases, Ct-dom.
_1.045 1axn - Annexin
_1.058 1lla 2-379 Hemocyanin, N-terminal and middle domains
_1.073 1lbd - Ligand-binding domain of nuclear receptor
_1.080 1poc x - Phospholipase A2
_2.017 1thw x - Thaumatin
_2.029 1arb x - Trypsin-like serine proteases
_2.042 1hxn - 4-bladed beta-propeller
_2.047 1hcb - Carbonic anhydrase
_2.049 1vmo a: beta-Prism I
_2.051 1kap p:247-470 beta-Roll
_3.007 1bnh - Leucine-rich repeats
_3.042 1zon - Integrin A (or I) domain
_4.038 1fim - Tautomerase/MIF
_4.046 1ast - Metzincin-like
_4.047 1ayd - SH2-like
_4.056 1vil - Actin depolymerizing proteins
_5.002 1psi - Serpins
_7.006 1bpi x - BPTI-like
_7.009 1ldl - Ligand-binding domain of low-density lipoprotein receptor
_7.010 1ixa x - EGF/Laminin
_7.013 1tur - Ovomucoid/PCI-1 like inhibitors
_7.015 1tgj x - Cystine-knot cytokines
_7.016 1hfi x - Complement control module
_7.019 2ech x - Blood coagulation inhibitor (disintegrin)
_7.024 1ata x - Ascaris trypsin inhibitor

Disulfide-rich classification by Paul Harrison <>
