Analyses of Cytochrome c (cyc) Pseudogenes in Human Genome
We have identified over 49 cytochrome c (cyc) pseudogenes in the August 2001 freeze of the human genome draft.
Relevant data and results can be found here.
- Zhang et al. Gene (2003, in press)
- Human cyc gene in GenBank
- FASTA files containing the amino acid sequences, CDS DNA sequences, and mRNA sequences of selected eukaryotes.
- Alignment of amino acid sequences and underlining nucleotide sequences of cyc from selected eukaryotes
- Comparative analysis of cyc by Banchi et al. and Grossman et al.
- Previously identified human cyc pseudogenes in GenBank (some are redundant).
- Annotation file (Excel, .txt), which lists the location, length et al. on each cyc pseudogene.
- Predicted amino acid sequences of cyc pseudogenes and alignment ( .txt , Excel).
- Nucleotide sequence of protein coding sequence (CDS) of cyc pseudogenes and alignment.
- Alignment of 5' UTR and 3' UTR sequence of human cyc pseudogenes.
- Chromosome mapping of the cyc pseudogenes.
- A phylogenetic tree of the pseudogenes constructed using MEGA2.
- Amino acid sequence alignment of the pseudogenes with disablement highlighted.
- Classification of cyc pseudogenes based on sequences at 9 codon positions.
- Comparison of codon sequences between pseudogene HCP9 and rodent testis-specific cyc genes.
- A flowchart of pseudogene discovery procedures.
Comments to Zhaolei Zhang