Fold Usage Summary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Each of the 8-bit binary numbers represents a particular pattern of fold usage: "1" if a fold is present and "-" if it is absent. From left to right, the bits correspond to EC, SC, HI, SS, HP, MJ, MP, and MG. The number in parentheses after the binary number is the number of folds that have this pattern of usage. For instance, "..1..... (04)" means that there are four folds present in HI and in no other of the genomes. There are 255 possible patterns of fold usage, but only 62 are observed. (Derived from pdbgen-w/crosstab_summary.971227.revise-b2.xls) -------- (98) -------- (98) 11111111 (30) -1------ (23) 1------- (19) 11111-11 (16) 111111-- (16) 1111---- (09) 11111--- (08) 1-1----- (08) 1-111-11 (06) 11------ (06) ---1---- (06) 1-11---- (05) -1-1---- (05) 1-111--- (04) 11-1---- (04) -1---1-- (04) --1----- (04) 111111-1 (03) 1111111- (03) 1111--11 (03) 1111-1-- (03) -----1-- (03) 1111-111 (02) 111---11 (02) 111-11-- (02) 1-11-1-- (02) --111--- (02) -1-11--- (02) 1--1-1-- (02) 1-1--1-- (02) 111----- (02) -11----- (02) ------1- (02) ----1--- (02) 111--111 (01) 111-1-11 (01) 1-111--1 (01) 1-1111-- (01) -1-1--11 (01) -1-11-1- (01) -11-1--1 (01) 1----111 (01) 1--111-- (01) 1-1---11 (01) 1-1--11- (01) 11----11 (01) 11-1-1-- (01) 11-11--- (01) 111--1-- (01) 111-1--- (01) -11---1- (01) 1-----11 (01) 1---11-- (01) 1-1-1--- (01) ------11 (01) ----1--1 (01) ---1-1-- (01) ---11--- (01) --1-1--- (01) -1----1- (01) 1----1-- (01) -------1 (01) -1111111 (00) 1-111111 (00) 11-11111 (00) 111-1111 (00) --111111 (00) -1-11111 (00) -11-1111 (00) -111-111 (00) -1111-11 (00) -11111-1 (00) -111111- (00) 1--11111 (00) 1-1-1111 (00) 1-11-111 (00) 1-1111-1 (00) 1-11111- (00) 11--1111 (00) 11-1-111 (00) 11-11-11 (00) 11-111-1 (00) 11-1111- (00) 111-11-1 (00) 111-111- (00) 1111-1-1 (00) 1111-11- (00) 11111--1 (00) 11111-1- (00) ---11111 (00) --1-1111 (00) --11-111 (00) --111-11 (00) --1111-1 (00) --11111- (00) -1--1111 (00) -1-1-111 (00) -1-11-11 (00) -1-111-1 (00) -1-1111- (00) -11--111 (00) -11-1-11 (00) -11-11-1 (00) -11-111- (00) -111--11 (00) -111-1-1 (00) -111-11- (00) -1111--1 (00) -1111-1- (00) -11111-- (00) 1---1111 (00) 1--1-111 (00) 1--11-11 (00) 1--111-1 (00) 1--1111- (00) 1-1--111 (00) 1-1-1-11 (00) 1-1-11-1 (00) 1-1-111- (00) 1-11--11 (00) 1-11-1-1 (00) 1-11-11- (00) 1-111-1- (00) 11---111 (00) 11--1-11 (00) 11--11-1 (00) 11--111- (00) 11-1--11 (00) 11-1-1-1 (00) 11-1-11- (00) 11-11--1 (00) 11-11-1- (00) 11-111-- (00) 111--1-1 (00) 111--11- (00) 111-1--1 (00) 111-1-1- (00) 1111---1 (00) 1111--1- (00) ----1111 (00) ---1-111 (00) ---11-11 (00) ---111-1 (00) ---1111- (00) --1--111 (00) --1-1-11 (00) --1-11-1 (00) --1-111- (00) --11--11 (00) --11-1-1 (00) --11-11- (00) --111--1 (00) --111-1- (00) --1111-- (00) -1---111 (00) -1--1-11 (00) -1--11-1 (00) -1--111- (00) -1-1-1-1 (00) -1-1-11- (00) -1-11--1 (00) -1-111-- (00) -11---11 (00) -11--1-1 (00) -11--11- (00) -11-1-1- (00) -11-11-- (00) -111---1 (00) -111--1- (00) -111-1-- (00) -1111--- (00) 1---1-11 (00) 1---11-1 (00) 1---111- (00) 1--1--11 (00) 1--1-1-1 (00) 1--1-11- (00) 1--11--1 (00) 1--11-1- (00) 1-1--1-1 (00) 1-1-1--1 (00) 1-1-1-1- (00) 1-1-11-- (00) 1-11---1 (00) 1-11--1- (00) 11---1-1 (00) 11---11- (00) 11--1--1 (00) 11--1-1- (00) 11--11-- (00) 11-1---1 (00) 11-1--1- (00) 111----1 (00) 111---1- (00) -----111 (00) ----1-11 (00) ----11-1 (00) ----111- (00) ---1--11 (00) ---1-1-1 (00) ---1-11- (00) ---11--1 (00) ---11-1- (00) ---111-- (00) --1---11 (00) --1--1-1 (00) --1--11- (00) --1-1--1 (00) --1-1-1- (00) --1-11-- (00) --11---1 (00) --11--1- (00) --11-1-- (00) -1----11 (00) -1---1-1 (00) -1---11- (00) -1--1--1 (00) -1--1-1- (00) -1--11-- (00) -1-1---1 (00) -1-1--1- (00) -1-1-1-- (00) -11----1 (00) -11--1-- (00) -11-1--- (00) -111---- (00) 1----1-1 (00) 1----11- (00) 1---1--1 (00) 1---1-1- (00) 1--1---1 (00) 1--1--1- (00) 1--11--- (00) 1-1----1 (00) 1-1---1- (00) 11-----1 (00) 11----1- (00) 11---1-- (00) 11--1--- (00) -----1-1 (00) -----11- (00) ----1-1- (00) ----11-- (00) ---1---1 (00) ---1--1- (00) --1----1 (00) --1---1- (00) --1--1-- (00) --11---- (00) -1-----1 (00) -1--1--- (00) 1------1 (00) 1-----1- (00) 1---1--- (00) 1--1---- (00) +------- (60) ++------ (32) +++----- (23) ++++---- (27) +++++--- (17) ++++++-- (27) +++++++- (24) ++++++++ (30)