This implementation of the Needleman-Wunsch sequence alignment
algorithm is severely limited. (For example, all calculations are done
with integers, which makes gap penalties useless.) It is intended to
show how the algorithm works and can be used on short sequences;
however it is not useful for serious sequence alignment.
Needleman-Wunsch sequence alignment program
- align.c
- The alignment functions. This implementation takes two strings,
a gap opening penalty (must be an integer), a gap extension penalty factor
(also an integer) and aligns them without any substitution matrix
(using only integer calculation for gap penalties). It returns the
aligned strings.
- align.h
- Header file to include in any module which uses routines in
align.c (such as NWalign.c): specifies interface to sequence alignment
- NWalign.c
- A quick interface to the sequence alignment routines: NWalign
takes the names of two files containing alphabetic sequences, along
with gap opening and extension penalties; it calls the alignment
function in align.c to do the alignment; then it prints the alignment
to stdout.
- Makefile
- A makefile for compiling NWalign on UNIX platforms. Replace the
value of the CC variable on the first line with the name (and path, if
necessary) of your c compiler if it other than cc.
- NWalign.exe
- DOS (16-bit) executable.
- NWalign32.exe
- Win32 console mode executable: requires Windows 95 or Windows NT.
This executable will provide better performance in NT than the DOS
version; however it has mysterious problems with certain combinations
of gap opening and extension penalties.
Sample Sequences
The following two files contain short sequences with some