Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry 447b3 / 747b3 Bioinformatics

Relational Databases

Unstructured Data

Semi-Structured Data

Structured Data


matches table

matches table 2

structures table

folds table

Table Interpretation

Structure of a Table

What is a Key?

SQL Select on a Single Table

SQL Select on a Single Table, Example

SQL Select on a Single Table, Example 2


SQL Select on Multiple Tables

Foreign Key

Selection as Array Lookup

SQL Select on Multiple Tables

Cross Product A x B


Aggregate Functions-- Statistics on Attributes


Join Gives Unnormalized Table


Normalization Example

Normalized Tables

Query Optimization

Indexes Speed Access

Object Databases

Forms & reports [user views]

Example Report: Motions Database

Example Report: Motions Database

Example Report: Motions Database

Example Report: Motions Database

Example Report: Motions Database

Example Report: Motions Database

Packing Based Classification

Packing Based Classification: Hinge v Shear

Simple Forms Example: Links Page

Aspects of Forms: Transactions and Security

Large-scale Example: Census DB

Molecular Biology Information: Whole Genomes

Explonential Growth of Data Matched by Development of Computer Technology

Major Application II: Overall Genome Characterization

Shared Folds in Genomes are a/b

What are the Most Common Folds in the Genomes? How many of these are shared?

5 Folds in Top-10 All 3 Genomes

TM-helix “prediction”

2º Structure Prediction

Supersecondary structure words

Complex Data Example: Encoding Trees in RDBs

RDBs Everywhere: Internet Mail

RDBs Everywhere: File System