The Bass Center is located at 266 Whitney Avenue. It faces the Biology department in Klein Tower.
Directions to Yale University posted on the University webserver. These include a detailed university map locating the Bass building in the Science Hill area. Also, directions to nearby Klein Tower are available. (Some of these maps are locally mirrored. In particular, a wonderful relief map of Connecticut and a map of the towns in the New Haven Area).
Parking: Visitors should park in lot 16, which is the first RIGHT AFTER entering Science Park parking lot at the intersection of Whitney and Humphrey (see Yahoo closeup). The department has one-day parking passes for this lot. Also see the Yale Parking and Transit web pages.
Yahoo: Nearby Restaurants, Map of Bass Area, Colony Inn(Nearby Hotel), Taxis
Rail: Metro-North and Amtrak service New Haven
Terraserver photograph of nearby intersection (Whitney and Sachem, Yahoo closeup)
Gerstein Lab Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry Dept. Yale University Bass Center 266 Whitney Avenue P.O.Box 208114 New Haven, CT 06520-8114 USA (203) 432-5175 Departmental FAX (203) 432-6105 Mark Gerstein's Office Number (Bass 432A) Gerstein Lab Administrative Assistant is Joann Delvecchio 309C JWG, 203 432-5566,